Uthernet II Light Pipe Kit replacements

It wasn’t long ago that I released my first foray into fiber optic light pipes for the Uthernet II card.

Since that first batch went out, I have heard from some people that the clip used to secure the fiber optic cables to the Uthernet card are prone to breaking. As a result, I have redesigned the clip to add more strength to the weak points, and to make it easier to install.

Light pipe clip, old version and new.

Light pipe clip, old version and new.

If you ran into trouble installing your kit, or broke the clip in handling, you can now order a replacement clip. The replacement is free for US addresses, and the price of postage for international orders. Contact me for details.

The IIgs gets some much needed attention

So far, I haven’t done much in replacement parts or add-ons for the IIgs. That changes today! At least, in a small way. More to come.

I’m now taking orders for the IIgs version of the Uthernet II light pipe kit. The kit, which has been recently updated to be slightly less prone to breaking on installation, works the same way in the GS as it does in the IIe, only now with a port cover that matches.

Replacement IIgs port covers in Platinum, black, white and Uthernet.

Replacement IIgs port covers in Platinum, black, white and Uthernet.

As you can see, I’m also playing around with colors for replacement port covers. From the left, Platinum, black and white. Black, white and (not pictured) metallic plastic versions are available in my shop at Shapeways.com. Platinum ones will have to be painted, and will be for sale shortly.

Vintage Computer Festival Southeast, 2016

Once again, I was unable to attend the VCF Southeast, but some of my miniatures had a presence. Thanks to John Leake (of the RetroMacCast) for displaying a couple of my pieces alongside his Marathon display. Here is a bit of a family portrait of the Mac Plus, John’s Mini Mac, and a RetroConnector iPod Nano dock (Nano Mac?)

Mac Plus, Mini Mac, Nano Mac

Thanks to Adam Rosen (of vintagemacmuseum.com) for letting me use his photo.

How II 0x07 – Keyboard Repairs, part 2

Following up from episode 0x02, I finally dig into the inner operations of a pair of keyswitches, cleaning and replacing them.

There’s danger! Romance! A shout-out to Dave from the EEVBlog!

Also, shameless self-promotion:

Tools used:

(Get a good one) http://amzn.to/1SN1gmL
(or a cheap one) http://amzn.to/1U1h46N

Desoldering iron (solder sucker type):


Bring on the blinky lights!

Were you a very good Apple II user this year? Did Santa Woz bring you an Uthernet II from A2RetroSystems?

Tucked snug inside the case of your Apple IIe, all the lovely blinking lights on the Uthernet II are going to waste. Bring the flashy flashy out into the world, where it belongs. Install a light pipe, to guide those retrotastic modulated photons to a custom made, 3D printed port cover, where you bask in the multi-hued glow of bits traversing the network.

Available now at my Tindie store.