Disk Images from EDD

At 2015’s KansasFest, I had the idea to convert Apple II disk images, of the kind used to run in an emulator, to actual images, of the kind you can view with your eyeballs. I was using the DSK format, which is one of several common image formats. The resulting images were illuminating and pretty, but […]

USB Interface update

I’ve finally found a satisfactory replacement part for the Circuits @ Home USB host board I have been using on my Joystick and Keyboard Interface products. Once I have a batch in hand, I will update the stock on my Tindie site, and they will be available for purchase. In the meantime, if you’re interested […]

Bring on the blinky lights!

Were you a very good Apple II user this year? Did Santa Woz bring you an Uthernet II from A2RetroSystems? Tucked snug inside the case of your Apple IIe, all the lovely blinking lights on the Uthernet II are going to waste. Bring the flashy flashy out into the world, where it belongs. Install a […]


I’m branching out into wearables:     There’s less than two days left for the first batch of Apple II and Apple /// shirts, and I’ve just added two new ones for the Mac 128k and the M0100 mouse. They are all available in multiple colors, men’s and women’s sizes. Teespring.com/stores/RetroConnector